vineri, 30 martie 2012

"208 It was Great" by Alan Bailey - Radio Luxembourg Book

Like most books, it came about by a set of certain circumstances. Working with various broadcasters, they urged me to tell them stories about my early career in broadcasting with Radio Luxembourg which they seemed to have found fascinating. They convinced me that I should commit to paper an account of those early days. I thought it was a good idea because I could do it for my children and future generations of my family, a sort of family history. I set to work with my trusty pen and paper, upon completion, various other members of the broadcasting profession voiced their approval and their opinion that I should seek a publisher.

So here, dear listener, is my account of a career with Radio Luxembourg ‘The Station of the Stars’ as seen through my eyes between 1958 and 1975 before I left to help launch a new radio station in the East Midlands. It’s an account of my good times, my bad times, my thoughts and people I crossed paths with on that exhilarating and exciting journey. A journey of which I will be eternally proud.

‘208It Was Great’ consists of a foreword by Jimmy Savile, quotes from Noel Edmonds, Dave Christian and Michael Palin, 39 pages of photos and 121pages of wordage in ten chapters.1.In the beginning. 2.The Early Days.3. K.E.Y.N.S.H.A.M. 4. Technical Stuff. 5. Swinging 60’s and Beyond.6.The Presenters. 7. Jimmy Savile. 8. Monty Python. 9. The Highlight of my Career. 10. The End is Nigh. (Sursa)